Blazing a New Trail!
By Jeff Ballard

Can’t believe it’s been more than 2 years since we launched the Tiki Trail. The vision then was a very simple one - let’s bring the world of tiki to any and everyone who is interested. We have learned a lot, met a lot of people and got to see some cool tiki bars and Polynesian restaurants around the country and in Europe.
During that time, we’ve also built up a social media following. First on Facebook with live interviews and videos from the various events we were able to attend. And with our Aloha Friday music videos and various other news and noteworthy posts. Then we added Instagram and garnered even more followers with images from our adventures.
That was all well and good, but we are looking to do more! We want to grow the collective tiki experience. Create memories, establish connections, and enhance the overall community of Polynesian Pop lovers. And with that as our focus, we have some pretty cool things coming! Unfortunately, I can’t go into to those here just yet. But I can say that this new updated website is the first step in the next generation of the Tiki Trail.
As we get to more events, meet more people - and have more cocktails of course! - we will share more of that. We also want to create live, on-going conversations, recommendations and sharing of memories and findings from everyone out of the Tiki Trail. We want to become a key part of your tiki experience - helping you blaze your own personal Tiki Trail. And as we grow you will come to find the Tiki Trail to be THE place to find out what are the best tiki drink, tiki bars, tiki bartenders, and more - all determined by the collective tiki experience of the community.
Stay tuned. As the song says, the best is yet to come!